How to order in Catalogue?

  1. Go to Catalogue link
  2. Select family, subfamily
  3. After you can see Product List with goods
  4. Fill the Count field of product and click on BUY button
  5. After clicking the BUY button the Cart will be opened
  6. When you finish your purchase, fill your personal data, select shipping method and your country
  7. The minimum sum must be $ 50. If it is higher, the Checkout button will be shown
  8. Click the Checkout button. After the eshop send the Order to your email address, which you filled in field Email
  9. If the Order email is not in Inbox Folder, please check your Spam folder.

How to order in New Arrivals?

  1. Click on the New Arrivals button
  2. After you can see the families and New Arrivals below.
  3. Fill the Count field of product and click on BUY button
  4. After clicking the BUY button the Cart will be opened
  5. When you finish your purchase, fill your personal data, select shipping method and your country
  6. The minimum sum must be $ 50. If it is higher, the Checkout button will be shown
  7. Click the Checkout button. After the eshop send the Order to your email address, which you filled in field Email
  8. If the Order email is not in Inbox Folder, please check your Spam folder.